Nnlightning protection methods pdf

Two methods of combating corrosion which are widely used in new zealand are cathodic protection and chemical inhibitors. The basis of conventional lightning protection technology. Second edition, american association of state highway and transportation. The aim of a risk analysis is to reduce the existing risk to a tolerable risk rt. This paper discusses the design of a lightning protection system lps as per the prescribed rules in as1768. Electroplating is the method of coating one metal with another. Corrosion protection of metals nz institute of chemistry. Fundamentals of lightning protection systems page 1 of 14 fundamentals of lightning protection systems, edition 1c september 2011. Provided by a protective coating that acts as a barrier between corrosive elements and the metal substrate. Rolling spheres method for lightning protection epow 6860 surge phenomena fall 2007 joe crispino 1. It also looks at special applications where it is either very difficult or impractical to adhere to as1768, and offers alternative practical methods. Pdf architects data third edition waiyan oo academia. For example, when designing a lightning protection system for a building where.

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